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Shipping is not free. You have to order $99 or more to get free shipping.
3 months ago
404 Sorry! Page you are looking can’t be found.
4 months ago
What happens to people who do not have those accounts.
5 months ago
Scam, can't sign up.
This is a lie, I put in my information and they said that my information is wrong and not correct.
over 2 years ago
This is bologna you have to purchase this product in order for you to get it free. They're going to send you a coupon afterwards.
This is a lie, it doesn't matter what time I go on here it says sorry the daily limits is ful, or is not time yet. Then when I went there when it's time I still cannot get it. There's no way for me to get it at all. I really want one
Lies, not available
Lies, still not getting any test products
Lies, not taking new people/members.
Lies, could not try this