Ripple Street is offering a cash-back refund on a Capri Sun 12-oz single-serve bottle, but spots are limited—so act fast!
Here’s how to claim yours: 1️⃣ Download the Ripple Street app for iOS or Android. 2️⃣ Apply for the offer. 3️⃣ If accepted, purchase a Capri Sun 12-oz single-serve bottle. 4️⃣ Upload your receipt in the app. 5️⃣ Write a quick review to receive your full cash-back refund!
Product Description:
Love Capri Sun? Now you can sip, enjoy, and get a ReFUNd with Ripple Street! Capri Sun’s Single Serve ReFUNd is here, giving you a refreshing way to get your money back when you buy a single-serve pouch.
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