Get a FREE sample of Weleda Makeup Removing Cleansing Oil!
No device? No problem! You can log in or register, click the "Get Free Samples" tab, and follow the prompts to order yours—no Alexa or Google Assistant needed. How to Claim Your Free Sample:
If you prefer using voice assistants, follow these steps:
Install the Alexa Skill (Google Assistant is no longer supported). You can find it in the Google Play Store or Apple Store and load it on your device (phone, tablet, computer, etc.).
Once downloaded, say "Send Me a Sample" into the Alexa app or to an Alexa device like the Echo Dot. If you don’t have an account yet, sign up for a Send Me a Sample account here.
When asked what sample you’d like, say "Weleda" and follow the prompts to confirm your order.
Hurry—stocks are limited and samples are available while supplies last!
Product Description:
Experience a luxurious, nature-infused cleansing ritual with Weleda's Makeup Removing Cleansing Oil. Specially formulated with gentle, plant-based ingredients, this cleansing oil effortlessly dissolves makeup, impurities, and environmental pollutants, leaving your skin feeling fresh, soft, and radiant.
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