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8 days ago

Santa’s Helpers Needed! Give or Get a Gift through USPS Operation Santa

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Offer Information:

The USPS Operation Santa program allows families in need to submit letters to Santa, which are then posted for others to adopt and fulfill holiday wishes. You can send a letter to Santa with specific gift details, or if you're in a position to help, adopt a letter to bring holiday joy to a child or family in need. Participation involves sending letters to a designated address, and the program aims to fulfill as many requests as possible.

Product Description:

USPS Operation Santa is a heartwarming program that allows you to play a special role in making a child's holiday wish come true. Every year, children in need write letters to Santa, and through this program, individuals can "adopt" these letters, purchasing and sending gifts directly to the kids. Whether you're looking to spread some cheer by fulfilling a child’s Christmas wish or are in need of holiday magic yourself, USPS Operation Santa offers a unique way to connect with the spirit of giving. 


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