The Delectables Lickable Spoon Cat Treats by Hartz are specially crafted to be an enjoyable and interactive treat for your feline friend. These treats come in a creamy, lickable texture that can be served on a spoon, allowing for a bonding moment between pet and owner. They are made with high-quality ingredients to ensure a tasty and nutritious snack for cats of all ages.
To claim a free sample, simply visit the promotion page and complete the request form with your mailing details. These offers are generally available for a limited time and while supplies last, so act quickly.
This freebie is an excellent opportunity for cat owners to try out a unique treat and see how much their furry friend enjoys it. Visit the link to request your free sample and treat your cat to something special!
about 2 months ago
I'm really excited about this product! Thank u
over 2 years ago
i hope i get them
over 2 years ago
Have to wait and you might get the sample pack hopefully I get one I know my cat would love it
over 2 years ago
Putting At a 4 for now but it's not a free sample you have to sign up to maybe get the pack
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