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about 2 years ago

Else Plant Powered Super Cereal Sample for Free

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Offer Information:

Get a sample of Else Plant Powered Super Cereal for free for your baby. To get this sample, all you have to do is download your Alexa Skill or Google Assistant Skill. Once you have downloaded the app, say 'Send Me a Sample' into the app and you will be asked what sample you would like just say 'Else Plant Powered Super Cereal and follow the steps to confirm.

Product Description:

Else Super Cereal is made with almonds and buckwheat that provide a unique combination of nutritionally balanced gluten-free carbohydrates, a high-quality plant protein that contains all 9 essential amino acids, healthy unsaturated fats, and 20+ essential vitamins and minerals for growing babies’ needs.



over 2 years ago

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