Do you have any promises for yourself? Request these promise cards from Because I said I would for free! All you have to do is click the 'Get Sample' and complete a form to request your 10 promise cards for free! This offer is for a limited time only so request your promise cards now.
Product Description:
Because I said I would is a social movement and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the betterment of humanity through promises made and kept. We created the Promise Card to inspire others to keep their promises, but the movement has grown into something far greater than its origin.Â
about 2 years ago
Received in 5 days and I am volunteering at their upcoming event in my city. Awesome cause, thank you!
over 2 years ago
Received in less than a week, which was surprising!
about 3 years ago
these cards are so cute!
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