Check out this cute nightlight for your children! BzzAgent is live right now with this campaign. Apply for your chance to be selected. By clicking "Click Sample", you're going to be directed to step 1 out of 6. When selected, you'll have to pay them back with a public review of the product!
Product Description:
This Infantino fox night light will play lullaby music while projecting a colorful, moving light display. The music plays 3 nature sounds for about 20 minutes, consisting of 5 songs. The fox moves its tai, bringing motion to the light projection then creating interesting visuals for your child. Everything about this product is adjustable too, the light, music, and even the baby fox can be removed.
over 3 years ago
I've seen this somewhere before. I didn't know what it was called so I couldn't find it. Thanks for posting it here!
over 3 years ago
We just started to build a nursery. This nightlight deserves a spot in the nursery. It's so adorable!!
over 3 years ago
This is so cute! <3 I love it.
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