Sign up for 30 cards by YOU MATTER. It's actually a part of You Matter Marathon but you don't have to join and run to get the freebies. Just complete the form they're asking for and answer a few questions. Expect two weeks for the cards to be mailed after signing up.
Get these for yourself or for everybody. Hand a card to someone who needs it. Or if you have a group, you can give it to them!
Product Description:
Participate in the You Matter Marathon that are giving out 30 cards for free. Individuals may receive 30 cards per order, per year. If you're a representative of a school, a religious institution, or a business, you can will be told how to purchase and print the amount of card needed for your group.
This is a simple way to spread compassion, kindness, and gratitude with others! Join this community now and share!
over 3 years ago
A simple card but with an impactful message
over 3 years ago
Yes! <3
over 3 years ago
Sign up as an individual. I have no group to represent but I'd like to give out these cards to others.
over 3 years ago
Ok. Nice post . Received update in mail.
over 3 years ago
I need this
over 3 years ago
This is something I'd like to receive from a stranger so I'll do it for somebody.
over 3 years ago
I appreciate this type of post, just wholesome!
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