Welcome to TrySpree's FAQs. Here we hope to answer some frequently asked questions by our community members.

What is TrySpree

TrySpree is a forum community where people find and share free samples.

How do I participate?

Browse TrySpree and look at posts from the community. Then, get the free samples by following people's directions. After that, come back to TrySpree and review the freebie so others know if they should try it as well.

Is everything completely free?

Yes, TrySpree only allows posts that are 100% free, free shipping, no credit card required, etc.

Will I get every sample?

No. Sometimes samples run out or the company delivering the samples has other issues. TrySpree does not send the samples, but only works as a community to find them.

How does shipping work?

TrySpree does not ship the samles, the company doing the free sample promotion is who will ship it. So, unfortunately, TrySpree cannot answer any questions about shipping, but samples usually take 2 to 4 weeks to arrive.

What other things can I do on TrySpree?

You can like posts to show your appreciation for the community members finding them. Also, leave comments and reviews to share your experiences with the community.

How do I become a forum moderator?

If you do enough posts and edits, TrySpree will reach out to you to help moderate the community.

Where are the "automatic" free samples?

TrySpree is working hard to bring this feature back. We had to make some changes to the technology but it should be back soon.

How do I manage notifications and emails?

TrySpree offers notifications so you don't miss out on samples and you are notified right away. You can go to your notification settings to adjust when to get them or turn them off. You can also unsubscribe using the link in any email.