Receive a Free Sample of GT's Kombucha - SIgn Up for Newsletter
almost 4 years ago

Receive a Free Sample of GT's Kombucha - SIgn Up for Newsletter

Four and a Half Stars

Sign Up and Receive a GT's Kombucha Freebie

GT Kombucha is one of the most popular and trusted Kombucha brands in the world. The company is celebrating its 25th anniversary. To help celebrate their monumental anniversary, they are giving away a free 16 ounce bottle of Kombucha.

What is Kombucha?

Kombucha is fermented tea. Over a period of a few weeks, sweetened tea is cultured with symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast to create Kombucha. The end product is a tangy tea with billions of strains of good bacteria (probiotics) to help support a healthy gut.

The health benefits have been useful for many years. Kombucha dates back to 221 B.C. in East Asia.

What are the health benefits of Kombucha?

Kombucha has many evidence-based health benefits. Kombucha is full of probiotics (good bacteria) that promote a healthy gut and may help in weight loss, digestion and decreasing inflammation. It also contains polyphenols (powerful antioxidants found in green tea) that have been shown to reduce belly fat, improve cholesterol, and help stabilize blood sugar.

The fermented tea is also full of antioxidants that help the liver detoxify the body. Kombucha is shown to reduce cholesterol levels (specifically LDL) which helps with heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease. Lastly, the fermented tea helps stabilize blood sugars which is vital in reducing one’s risk of type two diabetes (a disease that affects 300 million people worldwide).

How to redeem?

TrySpree found that redeeming the free 16 ounce bottle of Kombucha was very easy! You just need to go to this website and enter your email address on the first pop-up page:

GT's Kombucha

The GT brand will send you an email and you will need to click on the bottom link to print off your coupon.

The only downside is having to physically print off the coupon. TrySpree wishes that the coupon could be redeemed easily on your phone because not everyone has access to a printer.

Additional benefits?

When you enter your email address into the GT site, you will be sent a free one year membership to the Chopra Meditation and Well-Being app. It is an app full of meditations and self-care guidance. The meditations are offered in lengths of 5 minutes to 30 minutes.

TrySpree found the app to be very user friendly and helpful during this chaotic time of 2020. The app is only available for the first few thousand entries. TrySpree speculates that the free app offer may not be available for much longer.

Any cost?

There is no cost to receive the free 16 ounce bottle of GT Kombucha (besides the cost of printing the coupon).

How often are you emailed?

We know that subscribing to some companies for products may mean that you will receive more emails. TrySpree found that GT only emails you 3-4 times a month (a relatively low amount compared to other companies) and the emails contained many deals on Kombuchas. The emails were beneficial and not annoying like other companies.

Rating of the GT Kombucha?

TrySpree loved their sample of GT Kombucha. The favorite GT Kombucha of TrySpree was the Synergy Triology Kombucha. It was the perfect combination of sweet and tart. Made with raspberries and ginger, the Kombucha was refreshing and fruity. Also, it is a beautiful color- a very bright pink!

Overall rating?

TrySpree rates GT Kombucha a 4.5/5. We were very pleased with how fast the coupon can be obtained and with providing very little information (email address). The product is very trusted and high-quality.

We also liked the health benefits of the product and the additional freebie of the Chopra Meditation and Well-being app. However, the only downside is the requirement of printing off the computer. In TrySpree’s opinion, printing off the coupon is outdated and not eco-friendly.

Overall, we do highly recommend the GT Kombucha free 16 ounce bottle offer and would recommend trying the Synergy Trilogy Kombucha first!

Sign Up and Receive a GT's Kombucha Freebie