Free Month of NexGard Offer Review - Protecting Your Most Precious Dog With Free Tick And Flea Medicine
over 4 years ago

Free Month of NexGard Offer Review - Protecting Your Most Precious Dog With Free Tick And Flea Medicine

Free Month of NexGard Flea and Tick Medicine

There is nothing that brings me more joy than a pet. They are always there to love you no matter how bad your day is or year (ie: 2020)! Taking care of your pet’s health is so important, and this is why we loved this free tick and flea medicine from NexGuard.

When your dog needs flea and tick medicine? How often?

Before getting a dog, many people don’t know that dogs need to take preventative medication for fleas and ticks. Fleas and ticks are not just a nuisance, but they can cause serious health problems for your precious loved one. Fleas can lay up to 2,500 eggs in their three week life-span, and they can cause a rash (contact allergic dermatitis) which can lead to fur loss. Even more dangerous are ticks. They can cause serious disease such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tularaemia and much more.

Furthermore, these little ticks can be transferred to humans. Lyme disease (bacterial infection from a tick) can cause fever and joint pain and if left untreated can affect the brain, heart and nervous system. Lyme disease often starts as a target sign lesion on your skin. Please consult your doctor for treatment if questioning a Lyme disease infection. To prevent the worry of these rashes and disease, preventive flea and tick medication is the best remedy!

Preventive flea and tick medication can be given topical or oral. Usually oral medication is preferred because it is easier to administer. We loved this free NexGuard sample because it is oral and less messy than a topical medication and the only medication that is FDA-approved for tick prevention.

How to redeem a coupon?

To redeem the NexGuard free sample, you will need to print off and fill out the NexGuard voucher and bring it to your veterinarian for a prescription.

What to fill out?

It takes less than 5 minutes. The voucher is easier to fill out. It asks for your name, address, pet’s name, pet’s weight and pet’s birthdate. The remaining half of the voucher will be filled out by your veterinarian. After you visit your veterinarian, you simply mail it in for your free sample of NexGuard.

How long does it take?

It takes about 2-3 weeks to receive the free sample. You will receive three sample pills.

How often does your dog need to take NexGuard?

The medication is administered once a month during months that your pet may be exposed to fleas or ticks. Some geographic locations will need to take the medication all year around. Spring and summer are oftentimes when dogs are most at risk for fleas and ticks, but it is safest to protect your pet all year. Also, you want to wait until your pet is at least 8 weeks old to give the medication.

Does the dog enjoy it?

Your dog will love the pill! One of the best qualities of the medication is how easily your dog will eat the medication!

Usefulness rating?

This sample is a necessity for pets, and it is from a very reputable company. Rating of 5/5 for necessity.

How easy is it to obtain NexGuard free medication?

The sample is more difficult to obtain because you will need to visit your veterinarian in order to get a prescription. It is a rating of 3 out of 5 stars for easy to obtain.

Value rating?

The medication usually costs around $60 for a year’s supply. You will be receiving 3 pills. I think this free sample is a score because it is roughly a savings of $15 for you and your pet! 5 out of 5 stars for savings!

Final Rating:

4 out of 5 stars. You save a good amount of money with this sample and it is needed for your most loved pet! However, it isn’t the easiest to obtain with a visit to the veterinarian. I hope this sample is helpful, and I hope you try these out to keep you and your fluffy love fur ball safe from those pesky critters!

Free Month of NexGard Flea and Tick Medicine